Elizabeth and Corbin
My sister Amanda holding Alexa Lee......Alexa was born April 24, 2009
Jordan is holding their son Jack who was born on my birthday (Jack will be 3 in August)....a special bond we have! Also Rachel was born on Jordan's birthday...... so it is kind of fun celebrating birthdays.
Okay if you have not figured it out, that is 2 babies in 2 weeks. How cool is that! Wish I could love and squeeze on them, but one is in Utah and the other is in Idaho.....pictures will have to do!
Yay for babies! Look how great those two mamas look! Thanks for posting pictures, it's great to see what the family is up to.
WOW!! THAT is great!!
that is awesome! think of the fun you'll have when you all get together!!! i think a summer roadtrip is in store for you!
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