Monday, January 12, 2009


Well tomorrow marks another milestone in our life. Haley turns 5! Yes another birthday. We have to love December and January......seriously we need to do half birthdays for the girls so they can at least enjoy their gifts and not get them all at the same time......we might eventually do that.......I have tried and it just does not happen.

Anyway this time 5 years ago I was one miserable person. I remember feeling like I had wet myself the night before and did not say anything to anyone about it...who wants to tell that you wet yourself. Well my doctor called that night and we talked and she told me I had probably better be checked out and she would meet me at the hospital. I arrived at 8 a.m. on January 13, 2004 like I was suppose to (leaving Chris at work telling him I would call if I needed him). As I parked my car, I spotted Andrea's car there too....yep we were in the hospital at the same time....kind of neat I thought.

The doctor checked me, after the nurse told her that I could not have the baby as they were full, me taking one of the last open beds. Well my first bag of water had already broke on it own and the second bag was still intact...yes I had two bags of water. I called Chris and the rest was history!

I asked the nurse to let Andrea know that I was there and she stated that she could not for policy reasons, but my doctor was also Andrea's and she so kindly let Andrea know I was there. Andrea and I were in the two delivery rooms at the same time......who will go first was the question. Andrea visited me for a little while, until she decided she might toss her cookies...

Needless to say Emma arrived a little over an hour before Haley. My sister and mom reported on Emma's weight as she was weighed right outside my room. Well it was Haley's turn to arrive in this wide world weighing in at 9 lbs 5 oz. Yes I went from a 6 lbs 6 oz baby to this 3 month old baby (it seemed like it to me).

Oh how the time flies when you are having so much fun! Haley is definately a joy, I really think she is going to be the class clown as much as she goofs around. I hope not, but we will see. She is so excited about starting kindergarten this fall.

This morning she stated as Rachel was getting on the bus "Am I ever going to be able to ride that bus Mom?" I stated "Yes, soon enough you will be riding that bus." I do not know if I am ready for it, but I know she is!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Andrea Frederick said...

I know what you seems like just yesterday....
Emma is just as excited to ride the bus, go to school, and grow up all too fast! I just need to hit pause for a couple of years:) Happy Birthday MOM!

Bree Shaw said...

tell hayley happy birthday!